
CWDM Solutions Provided by Ingellen

CWDM technology involves the applications of CWDM products such as CWDM MUX/DEMUX, CWDM SFP, CWDM add-drop multiplexer and other related products. This article is about what is CWDM stand for, the advantages of CWDM and what devices or products needed for the CWDM solutions.
As we know, broadband has unveiled a new world for subscribers, full of advanced capabilities and faster speeds. Fiber optic connections typically require two strands of fiber - one for transmitting and one for receiving signals. But, what happens when you need to add services or customers, there are three options, 1) installing more cables, 2) increasing system bitrate to multiplex more signals or 3) wavelength division multiplexing. Obviously, the first two selections are all need more investment on the existing systems, which are all not the cost-effective ones. Only the third alternative, WDM (wavelength division multiplexing), allows using current electronics and current fibers and simply shares fibers by transmitting different channels at different color (wavelengths) of the light.
There is Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing and Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing for WDM technology, Coarse Wave Division Multiplexing (CWDM) technology is the most effective solution for expanding bandwidth and has many advantages over DWDM technology in terms of system costs, set-up, maintenance, and scalability.
Coarse wavelength division multiplexing are realized by the used of CWDM modules, which combines or split up to 18 optical signals over one single fiber optic link. Each signal carried can be at a different rate and in a different format. CWDM technology uses an ITU standard 20nm spacing between the wavelengths, from 1310nm to 1610nm. CWDM is coarse wavelength multiplexing technology for city and access networks.
CWDM Modules utilize thin-film coating and micro optics package technology which is available in two main configurations: CWDM Mux/Demux modules and CWDM OADM modules. The CWDM solution we offer has the ability to multiplex up to9 (8+1) different fiber links over the same physical circuit. The operation range can reach up to120Km, depending on optical modules used.The total maximum capacity is 1.25G x 9 =11.25G.

Benefits of CWDM
Passive equipment that uses no electrical power
Much lower cost per channel than DWDM
Scalability to grow the fiber capacity as needed
With little or no increased cost
Protocol transparent
CWDM can provide connectivity for multiple Wireless Carriers using virtually any protocol to the cell tower over a single strand of fiber.
Ingellen provides CWDM module with various kinds of connectors and cable length and optional stainless tube package or standard box package and to meet your requirement. We offer 2 channel CWDM Mux/Demux, 4 channel CWDM Mux/Demux …up to 18 channel CWDM Mux/Demux modules and 1-16 channels CWDM OADM. Our CWDM modules are configured by number of channels for any customer-specify channel plan, and can be integrated with taps and detectors for a complete CWDM solution. All of these CWDM modules come with compact size, Low Insertion Loss, Bi-directional and Environmentally Independent features.

