Difference between Laser Light Source and LED Light Source
As the wide application of fiber optic system, optical light source plays a more and more important part in it. We known a basic optical fiber system consists of a transmitter, an optical fiber and a receiver. The fiber optic light source, as an important component of the transmitter is modulated by a suitable drive circuit in accordance with the signals to be transmitted. Optical light source are also needed for performing fiber optic network testing to measure the fiber optic loss in the cable plant. Light source are offered in a variety of types including LED, halogen and laser. Among which, LED and Laser light source are two types of semiconductor light sources. The following article will discuss about some differences between laser and Led light source.
Basically, both kind of light source must be able to turn on and off millions to billons of times per second while projecting a near microscopic beam of light into an optical fiber. During the working process of optical signals, they are both supposed to be switched on and off rapidly and accurately enough to properly transmit the signals.
General difference between them as that LEDS is the standard light source which is short for light-emitting diodes. Laser light source like gas lasers may be mainly used in some special cases. Lasers are more powerful and operate at faster speeds than LEDs, and they can also transmit light farther with fewer errors. Laser are also much more expensive than LEDs.
LED fiber optic light source are made of materials that influence the wavelengths of light that are emitted. A basic LED light source is a semiconductor diode with a p region and an n region. When the LED is forward biased, current flows through the LED. As current flows through the LED, the junction where the p and n regions meet emits random photons. LEDs emitting in the window of 820 to 870 nm are usually gallium aluminum arsenide (GaAIAs). Laser is also a semiconductor diode with a p and an n region like LED, but it provide stimulated emission rather than the simplex spontaneous emission of LEDs. The main difference between a LED and a laser is that the laser has an optical cavity required for lasting. The cavity is formed by cleaving the opposite end of the chip to form highly parallel, reflective, mirror like finishes.
VCSEL is a popular laser source for high speed networking, which consist of two oppositely oppositely-doped Distributed Bragg Reflectors (DBR) with a cavity layer. It combines high bandwidth with low cost and is an ideal choice for the gigabit networking options.
Different wavelengths travel through a fiber at different velocities as a result of material dispersion. What should always keep in mind is that both Laser and LED will not emit a single wavelength, but a range of wavelength that is known as the spectral width of the source. Fiber optic light source is always works with the fiber optic power meter. During the working process, it collimated beams of light and aim right down the center of the narrow single mode core and propagates in essentially a single mode transmission. By more questions about fiber optic test equipment, such as visual fault locators, optical power meter, OTDR testers, and more. please go for FiberStore webstore.
Krone-LSA-PLUS Insertion Punch Down Tools from FiberStore
As we get from Wikipedia, a punch down tool refer to a small hand tool used to inset wires into IDC (insulation-displacement connectors) of the punch down blocks, typical 110 block, patch panels, keystone modules, or other surface mount boxes. It is also called Krone tool. By using the Krone punchdown tool, technician that work for telecommunication and network can maker a faster, more uniform conections in the Krone wiring blocks with less effort.
Punch down tools are impact sized, and consist of a handle, an internal spring mechanism, and a removable slotted blade. To use the punch down tool, position the wires into a slotted post, press the punch down tool on the top of the wire, with a single push, the spring loaded mechanism will trigger the blade at just the right point to seat, cutting the insulation and securing the wire. There are ON/OFF selector for you to turn on or off the cutting function.
Krone tool is named after the Krone LSA PLUS connector, Krone LSA PLUS is an IDC (insulation-displacement connectors) for telecommunications, which is alternative to 110 block in European. Compared to 110, krone can be easily identified by its contact slots arranged at a 45 degree angle to the wire. FiberStore Krone-LSA-PLUS Insertion/Punch Down Tool is right a highly reliable and cost connection solution for today’s telecommunication and data networks, the design of which use our unique Insulation Displacement Contact (IDC) technique that can clamps the wires at a 45° angle, and greatly removing the chances of a poor termination and increasing the wiring productivity. Our LSA PLUS Krone tool is perfect for applications in telecommunication, broadcast system, and audio connections and their associated control systems.
Product Key Features:
Combined the impacted punch down and torque tool function
Build-in screwdriver & wire- pull function
The LSA-Plus insertion tool with sensor is the key to unparalleled contact reliability and guarantees fast and clean working.
Simply applying pressure with the tool enables the wire to be trimmed and connected in a gas-tight connection in a single action.

The Krone-LSA-PLUS punch down tool (above picture shows) is consist of a contact slot with flexible contact arms. There are arranged at 45° to the axis of the wire. Polishing contacts at a 45° angle leaves more wire between contact points and provides a more reliable, stress-resistant connection, which is superior to the other contacts that contacts at 90° angle produces a point of weakness subject to breakage. The wire (4) is pressed by the Insertion Tool (5) into the contact slot (2) cutting through the conductor insulation. By displacing ribs tightly grip the wire on both sides of the contact, ensuring the mechanical integrity of the connection. In a simple movement the Intertion tool will terminates the wire and cropping it to the desired length.
FiberStore is a one of the main online supplier of series of optical telecommunication and network products, including fiber optic cables, fiber optic transceiver, optical testers as well as various of fiber optic tools. Click and know more details about our Krone Punchdown tools.
Fiber Optic Cleavers Introduction
Fiber optic fusion splicing is always needed when we want to fuse two optical fibers together for the continuity of fiber optic cable plant. However, in the optical fiber fusion splicing process, fiber tips are required to have a smooth end face that is perpendicular to the fiber axis. Sufficiently perpendicular and planar fiber end face can be achieved via the fiber cleaving process.
Simply speaking, a fiber cleaver is a piece of tools of equipment to make a perfect fiber end face cut that will assure the quality of the joint of bare fibers in the optic fusion process, resulting in lower attention of the fiber connection line.
In the fiber cleaving process, the fiber is pressed against the little cut to force it to break at 90 angle and expose a mirror like fiber end face. The fiber is scratched with a very hard diamond edge scribing tool, which induces a sufficiently large surface crack, then the fiber cleaver applies a tensile stress to the fiber which caused the crack to expand rapidly across the fiber cross section. There are also types of fiber cleaves apply the tensile stress first and then scratch the fiber with the diamond edge scribing tool. A quality fiber cleaver is very essential in determining the fusion splicing loss. This is especially correct for some special fibers including dispersion-compensating fibers and erbium-doped fibers.
A fiber cleave is initiated by lightly scratching the surface of the fiber. When the fiber is thereafter pulled or bent, a crack will originate at the scratch and propagate rapidly across the width of the fiber. This produces a nearly flat cleave of an optical fiber. Under the direction of this idea, there developed a variety of commercial optical fiber cleaving tools in the market:
Some cleavers apply a tensile stress to the fiber while scratching the fiber's surface with a diamond edge. There are also other designs scratch the fiber surface first, and then apply tensile stress. Some cleaves apply a tensile stress which is uniform across the fiber cross section while others bend the fiber trough a tight radius, producing high tensile stresses on the outside of the bend.
Fiber optic cleaving tool is usually designed for cutting different number of fibers at a time. Single fiber cleaver and ribbon fiber cleaver are typical. They work on the same principles but ribbon cleaver is for simultaneously cleaving all the fibers in a ribbon cable, which is somewhat interior to that of a single fiber cleaver. Most today’s fiber cleavers are suitable for precision cleaving of all common single silica glass fibers. There are also some special cleaver designed ones for applications such as in research, measurement technology and production of optic components.
Under on-side conditions, most high precision cleavers produce a cleave angle deviation within 0.5° with very high reliability and low scattering. Diamond bladed presents the highest cleaver quality and can last over 10,000 cleaves.
It is easy for a modern fiber cleaver to cleave a 125um diameter fiber, but difficult to cleave >200um fibers. This is especially turn when the fiber is not crystalline. Besides, torsion will produce a non perpendicular endface.
Typical brand for fiber optic cleaver are Fujiura, Sumitomo, Furukawa, etc. Typical models of these brand are also available at FiberStore.
Take Sumitomo FC-6S and Fujikura CT-30 for example. The CT-30 cleaver are available fro either single or ribbon fiber splicing applications. It is idea for FTTx applications and equally at home in a splicing van or in a bucked truck. With The 16-position blade yields 48,000 single-fiber cleaves, or 4,000 12-fiber ribbon cleaves beforerequiring replacement, and the built-in scrap collector conveniently stores fiber shardsuntil they can be safely discarded. The FC-6 cleaver is available with a single fiber adapter for 250 to 900 micron coated single fibers. This cleaver is simple for users to operate by removing or installing the single fiber adapter and alternate between mass and single fiber cleaving.
Additional information on a variety of fiber cleaving equipments, please visit FiberStore Fiber Optic Cleavers page or contact our sales team by sales@fiberstore.com.
Working Principle and Characteristics of OTDR
OTDR, the full name of which is Optical Time Domain Reflectometer, is a precise optoelectronic integrated fiber optic test equipment that produced by use of the backscatter during the Rayleigh scattering and Fresnel reflecting in the optical transmission. OTDR tester are widely used for optical cable maintenance and construction, and it can be used for the evaluating the fiber cable length, measuring optical transmission and connection attenuation, detecting the fault location of the fiber links, etc.
During the process of OTDR testing, the instrument inject a higher power laser or fiber optic light source pulse into a fiber from one end of the fiber cable, at the OTDR port to receive the return information. When the optical pulse is transmitted through the fiber, due to the nature of the fiber itself, the connector, the engagement points, bending or other similar event, there will be a scattered reflection. Part of the scattering and reflection will return to the OTDR. Useful information returned will be measured by the OTDR detector, and act as the time or curve segments of fibers at different positions. By recording the time used of the signals from transmission to returning, the transmission speed of the light in the glass fibers, the distance can be calculated.
OTDR testing has some limitation when it come to the applications for measuring the outside able plant loss. The OTDR tester will not be always sufficiently for testing. The OTDR will not work well with short cables in a building or LAN environment. The source and power meter should be used for these tasks as a result of the OTDR is not equipped to show actual cable plant loss.
OTDR use Rayleigh scatting and Fresnel reflection to characterize fibers’ characteristics. Rayleigh scattering refers to the irregular scattering generated when the optical signals transmitting in the fiber. OTDR only measure the scattered light back on the OTDR port. The backscatter signal show the attenuation degree (loss/distance) of the optical fiber, and will be tracked as a downward curve, illustrating the power of backscatter is decreasing, this is because that both transmission signal and backscatter loss are attenuated.
Given the optical parameters, Rayleigh scattering power can be marked, if the wavelength is know, it is proportional with the pulse width of the signal: the longer the pulse width, the stronger backscatter power. Rayleigh scattering power is also related to the wavelength of transmitted signal: the shorter the wavelength, the power is stronger. That is to say, the backscatter loose generated by the trajectory of 1310nm will higher than that of 1550nm signals.
In the higher wavelength region (more than 1500nm), the Rayleigh scattering will continue to decrease, and the other one phenomenon which called infrared attenuation (or absorption) will appear to increase and cause an increase the overall attenuation values. Therefore, 1550nm wavelength is the lowest attenuation, this also explains why it is a long distance communication wavelength. Naturally, these phenomena will return to affect the OTDR. OTDR of 1550nm wavelength is also have low attenuation, so it can be used for long distance testing. While as the high attenuation wavelength 1310nm or 1625nm, OTDR testing distance is bound to be limited, because the test equipment need to test a sharp front in the OTDR trace, and the end of the spikes will quickly fall into the noise area.
Fresnel reflection is discrete reflection, which is caused by the individual point of the whole fibers. These points are caused by a change in reverse coefficient elements such as glass and the air gap. At these points, there will be a strong backscattering light reflected back. Therefore, OTDR is using the information of Fresnel reflection to locate the connection point, fiber optic terminal or breakpoints.
An OTDR tester is essentially an optical radar: it sends out a flash of bright light, and measures the intensity of echo or reflections. This weak signal is averaged to reduce detection noise, and computation is used to display a trace and make a number of mathematical deductions.
Guide to Choose A Fiber Optic Connector Polisher
Fiber optic polishing machine has made a big progress since 1990s. Earliest connector termination job are done by manual and labor intensive process, fiber connector polishing was manually done by one single person. With the development of fiber optic network, it requires much more higher efficiency. The fiber optic patch cord manufacturers ever make up it by adding more operators but it still could not catch up with the demand. Until emerge of current automatic polishing machine, fiber connector polishing has meet the requirement of high volume, high quality and consistent.
Quality Fiber Connection Termination is very important for the fiber optic communication system. Fiber optic connector polishing is one of the most important steps for the whole process of terminating fiber connector since bad polished connectors will increase the insertion loss and back reflection which will make you malfunction.
Automatic fiber connector polishing machine are produced according to a set of industry standard and specifications. It can produce large volumes of connectors in a consistent way, and it considered to be cost effective as labor is significantly reduced. Article here is written to help you how to make wise decision when choosing a perfect fiber polishing machine for your specific requirement. Flow the standard mentioned below when purchasing an automatic connector polishing machine.
Polishing Machines with Adjustable Pressure are Preferred
The fiber connector’s finished end-face geometry is generated by the combination of the loading pressure and the hardness of the polishing surface. To optimize the connector end-face, the polishing pressure should be adjustable with clearly marked divisions of measurement.
The four corner hold-downs are also important. Hold-down fasteners in all four corners of the connector holder evenly distribute film pressure to minimize off-center polishing. If you use the center pressure from above, it will allow the possibility of wiggling or vibration the connector holder. By this method, you will increase the vertex offset and leads to inconsistent finishes.
Besides, you should also consider the polishing pad. The polishing pad is conjunction with the four corner hold-downs, is used to distribute the pressures evenly across the polishing area. Since the pads are resilient, they will help to control the radius of curvature as the ferrule is pressed into the pad during the polishing process. There are so many pads for different types of connectors, you should choose the proper one according to your need.
Make sure that you can easily change the holders for different types of connectors
To improve the production output and lower labor cost, you should make sure that you can easily and quickly change different types of connector holders. Typical connector polishing machine should be able to handle most types of fiber connectors such as FC/UPC, SC/UPC, ST/UPC, LC/UPC, MU/UPC, APC, MT-RJ, E2000, SMA905, FA and so on. Besides, the precision of the connector holders are also very critical. The connector holders should be machined to exacting tolerances so that ferrules can be precisely posited for the polishing work.
Removable polishing platens are necessary for the machine
Make sure that the polishing platens can be removable, so that it can not be easily contaminated and its working life will prolong. The polishing platens are the mechanical part that holds the polishing films and polish against the connector end-face.
The polishing motion pattern should be optimized for consistent result while conserving polishing films
As we know, the polishing motion is very critical factor in determining connector’s end-face quality. Polishing motion is the surface which performing the polishing job with the connector. The motion must perform a evenly balanced pressure across all sides, otherwise, the connector will surfer deformed end-face geometry.
Choose the manufacture who can fit for your custom requirement
A qualified manufacturer should have the ability to fit for your different specifications for the polishing film types, timer settings, lubrication and connector holders. Besides, an industry standard compliance test report from the manufacturer can be an important criterion to evaluate a good fiber polishing supplier. It is always a best idea to compare at least 3 different models from 3 vendors so you can choose the best one that meets your particular requirement.
FiberStore is specializes in supplying a full range of fiber optic testing, fiber optic splicing, fiber optic cleaning, fiber optic polishing and fiber optic inspection equipments and tools. Contact us for more detail information.
Fiber Identifier Supplied by FiberStore
As we know, fiber identifier is an essential tool for fiber optic lossless installation and maintenance work, which can be used for both single mode and multimode optical fiber probing anywhere. In the fiber optic maintenance, installation, wiring and recovery period, we often need to find and isolate a specific optical fiber without interrupting the operations. By inject a 1310 or 1550 optical signals with specific modulated signal from one end into the optical fiber, with the fiber identify on the way to find it out. It can also used to indentify the traffic direction that indicated by LED with illumination. In the working process of the fiber indentify, use the appropriate chuck, firmly grip the bare fiber or pigtails into the testing area, turn on the tool to start testing. During this process, the fiber optic identifier won’t generate harm or damages to the fiber cable.
Why we need to the fiber identifier?
During out daily fiber optic maintenance work, we often need to cutover, splice or connect the fiber optic cables. In order to accurately detect the working conditions of the fiber core, we always need use an optical identifier to determine. If traffic is present on the fiber under test, an audible tone can be heard.

FiberStore, a reputable online stocking distributor of fiber optic tools and a complete range of fiber optic related products, has recently released a reliable and portable optical fiber identifier AFI400, which is specially designed for engineers and technicians that work in the construction and maintenance of optical fiber communication and optical fiber CATV systems. These AFI400 fiber identifier is idea to indentify excessive problem fibers (excessive loss, dark, live fiber) that may be caused by misalignment of mechanical splices or poor connections. This optimized device can indentifies multiple signal frequencies including 270HZ, 1Khz and 2Khz and used for testing H0.25, 0.25mm, 0.9mm, 3.0mm fiber. It operates at a wavelength range of 800nm to 1700nm and works. Powered by 2 units of 1.5V AA alkaline batteries, it can work at least ten hours on a full charge. Besides, the fiber chuck , with mechanical damping design, can ensure that no fiber damages occurred. Meantime, it has both sound and light alarm function and key lock function, making it easier and more comfortable to operate.
Support to detect optical signals without disrupting traffic
Based on non-destructive technology
Indicate the signal direction in fiber
Detect a variety of optical tones, 270Hz, 1kHz and 2kHz
Build in visible fault locator 1mW or 10mW optional;
Battery low indication
Working wavelength: 800-1700nm
Type identification signal CW, 270HZ ± 5%, 1KHZ ± 5%, 2KHZ ± 5%
Probe Model: Ø1mm InGaAs2pcs
Adapter type (mm) Ø 0.25 Ø 0.9/2.0/3.0 used for bare fiber pigtail
Signal direction: LED indicates
Optical frequency: 270Hz, 1KHz, 2KHz LED indicator shows
Batteries: Powered by 2 units of 1.5V AA alkaline batteries
Operating Temperature (° C) -10 ~ +60
Storage temperature (° C) -25 ~ +70
FiberStore is a global leader in research, development and manufacturing of high performance optical fiber tools and network equipment. For our optical fiber identifier, we provide one year warranty for that. You can also buy this AFI400 at a large quantity with the wholesale price. If you are the one have such requirement, why not contact us, I’m sure you will get good surprise on our product and service.
Introducing A Series of Fiber Optic Tool Kits from FiberStore
In the fiber optic industry, fiber optic kit is considered to be very important and can be classified into different categories which inlcudes all the types of tools that are required to finish a special With so options that you can easily choose the one per you need. Buying these fiber optic tools kits is also not a hard job, since there are so many online shops, FiberStore among which is one of the most qualified one, selling all kinds of fiber optic tools kits including optic splicing tools, fiber optic testing tools, fiber optic polishing tools and fiber optic cleaning tools, etc. Buying a fiber optic tool kit is not a hard job only if you have selected a good online shop. FiberStore is what I’d glade to recommend, because you can almost get whatever you need for your fiber optic installation and maintenance works with high quality. Besides, the price for the kits are always very cheap and reasonable.
Let’s go through some typical types of their fiber optic kits with the functions.
Fiber Connector Termination Tool kit
The fiber connector termination tool kit, FiberStore model FB-3601, also called universal connectorization epoxy tool kit. They include all the tools necessary for hand-polishing termination of epoxy optic connectors such as FC, SC, ST, LC, etc:
Fiber cable jacket stripper to remove outer jacket from optical cables
Fiber cable strippers to remove fiber coatings to expose the bare fiber cladding
Kevlar scissors KC-1 to cut the yellow strength member inside fiber jacket
Universal Connector Crimp Tool for FC, SC, ST, LC
Carbide Scribe Tool to scribe the bare fiber
EPO-TEK 353ND Epox for fixing the fiber inside the connector, Epoxy Application Syringe dispensing into the connector
Heat cure oven to cure the epoxy (either 220V or 110V)
Other misc. items for cleaning such as Kimwipes, Thermometer, Isopropyl alcohol, etc.
Fiber Optic Fusion Splicing Tool Kit
FiberStore fiber fusion splicing tool kit HW-6300N is perfect for your fiber fusion splicing job. Content listed:
Fiber jacket stripper FS-5021 to remove outer jacket from optical cables
Fiber optic stripper CFS-2 to remove fiber coatings (900um tight buffer or 250um UV coating layer) to expose the bare fiber cladding
7'' Lineman's Pliers, 6'' Bent nose Pliers and 6'' Needle Node Pliers
Steel Wire Rope Cutter to cut the yellow strength member inside fiber jacket
High precision fiber cleaver
Other misc. items for cleaning such as Kimwipes, Screwdriver, Carrying Tool Case, etc.
FTTH Fiber Optic Test Tool Kit
The FTTH Fiber Optic Test Tool Kit FS-1001 is a kind of kit that including tools, testers, fiber cleaver and some other product that are very useful in the fiber optic installation and maintenance works, the items in it can cut, strip, test the fibers.
Fiber Optic Cleaning Kit
Fiber cleaner is highly recommended as a kind of very important tool for electrical manufactures. FiberStore fiber cleaning kit includes everything from lint free wipes to different types of swaps. They also include a type of fast drying, residue free cleaning solvent which remove organic and ionic soils.
Except for the several fiber optic tool kits mentioned above, FiberStore also provides some other fiber optic tool kits including optical fiber construction, fiber optic polishing tool kit. contents in the kits maybe changed a little without notice as time goes, if you are not sure about before placing an order, you can make contact with the sales to make a confirm.
Things You Should Know about Gigabit Ethernet
Gigabit Ethernet is a new version of Ethernet with transferring rates of 1 Gigabit per second. It is widely used in local area networks (LANs) with 10 and 100Mbps cards. The first Gigabit Ethernet standard (802.3z) was ratified by the IEEE 802.3 Committee in 1998. Gigabit Ethernet is carried primarily on optical fiber of the fiber optic network (with very short distances possible on copper media). An alternative technology that competes with Gigabit Ethernet is ATM. A newer standard, 10-Gigabit Ethernet, is also becoming available.
Router and switch are necessary and important equipment for a gigabit Ethernet network. A gigabit switch used in tandem with a gigabit router will allow you to use your local network at speeds up to 10 times greater than the previous generation, 10/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet.
Gigabit Ethernet standard fiber optic transceivers such as GBIC, XENPAR, X2, XFP, SFP+, SFP module that converts several electric signals to serial optical signals and vice versa. In networking, fiber optic transceivers are used to interface a fiber optic system with an Ethernet system, such as Fiber Channel and Gigabit Ethernet.
Typical GBIC transceiver is a plug-in module which is hot-swapppable which can be removed and replaced without turning off the system. SFP is short for small factor pluggable, also called mini GBIC because its function is the same with GBIC while with more compact size. GBIC and SFP transceivers are economical because they eliminate the necessity for replacing entire boards at the system level when upgrading to Gigabit networking for better performance.
XENPAR, X2, XFP, SFP+ are typical fiber optic transceiver module that compatible with the 10 Gigabit Ethernet standard. XFP and SFP+ are small form factor pluggable 10Gbps transceiver with the same functions as XENPAK, X2 module and the package sized goes more and more smaller from GBIC to SFP+.
10GB (XENPAK, X2, XFP, and SFP+) transceiver transmit data
SR or Short Reach transceivers can transmit 10Gbps of data up to 300m over multi-mode duplex fiber. Standard wavelength for SR transceivers is 850nm
LRM transceivers can transmit 10Gbps of data up to 220m over FDDI multi-mode duplex fiber. Standard wavelength for LRM transceivers is 1310nm
LR or Long Reach transceivers can transmit 10Gbps of data up to 10km over single-mode duplex fiber. Standard wavelength for LR transceivers is 1310nm
ER or Extended Reach transceivers can transmit 10Gbps of data up to 40km over single-mode duplex fiber. Standard wavelength for ER transceivers is 1550nm
ZR also Extended Reach transceivers can transmit 10Gbps of data up to 80km over single-mode duplex fiber. Standard wavelength for ZR transceivers is 1550nm.
CWDM (Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing) transceivers can transmit 10Gbps of data up to 80km over single-mode duplex fiber. There are 8 standard wavelengths for CWDM transceivers. 1470nm, 1490nm, 1510nm, 1530nm, 1550nm, 1570nm, 1590nm, and 1610nm. Lower wavelengths are possible through custom builds.
DWDM (Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing) transceivers can transmit 10Gbps of data up to 80km over single-mode duplex fiber. Approximately 80 wavelengths or channels are possible ranging from 1519.48nm to 1577.03nm
FiberStore provides complete ranges of fiber optic transceivers with cheap price for sale online. 1000BASE transceivers are available in copper of fiber GBIC and SFP, including Cisco compatible versions. 10G transceivers are available from XENPARK to SFP+, Cisco compatible version including Cisco 10G SFP+, Cisco X2 (Cisco X2-10GB-SR, Cisco X2-10GB-LR, etc.).
How to Use Fluke Test Equipment
Fluke is the world's leader of electronic test tools production, distribution and service for many years, which has created a specific technology market over the world. Fluke provides quality testing and detection of faulty products for various industrial fields, and promoted the market to an important position. Almost any new factory, office or facilities are potential users of Fluke test equipment. From the installation and commissioining of industrial control systems to process instrumentation calibration and maintenance, precision measurement, from the laboratory to a
computer network fault diagnosis, Fluke network tester helps the efficient functioning of all walks of life and evolving.
Fluke network tester is widely used by many maintenance works, technicians, engineers or scientific researchers, considering that the specific operation documents may be not familiar to all the peoples, I was glade to write this article about the operation instruction of Fluke test equipment for reference, hope it will do help for readers.
Initialization steps before using Fluke testers:
Charge: Fluke DTX series host, auxiliary power supply adapter for charging until the battery indicator light turns green.
Set the language: Turn to host knob of the Fluke DTX series to the Set Up status, turn on the test by pressing the lower right green button, use the↓arrow and select the third Instrument setting, the machine setting, press Enter to enter the parameter setting. First, select and click the → arrow, when enter the second page, press↓arrow to select English and enter. After finishing the language setting, move to the next step.
Self-calibration: Take fluke DTX series Cat6A/Class EA permanent link adapter installed on the host, auxiliary equipment installed on the Cat6A/Class EA channel adapter. Then plug the end of the permanent link adapter in Cat6A/Class EA channel adapter, open the auxiliary power, after the self-testing of the auxiliary, the PASS lights off after normal auxiliary. SPECIAL FUNCTIONS stalls, turn on the console, the host, auxiliary software, hardware and test standard version (auxiliary information only when the auxiliary boot and host connection), operation interface after self testing, select the first set the reference (If choose the wrong EXIT to exit the repeat), press ENTER key and the TEST button to star sef-calibration, when it dispay “setting the reference has
completed”, it indicate that the self-calibration has successfully completed.
Set the basic parameters of the Fluke tester:
Action: Go to the Fluke DTX Series host knob "SET UP" stalls, use "↑ ↓" to choose the third set the value of the instrument, press "ENTER" to enter the parameter setting, you can press the "← → " flip "↑ ↓" to select your desired setting parameters, press ENTER to enter the parameter changes, you need to use "↑ ↓" to select parameter settings selected Press ENTER to select and complete the parameter settings.
Fluke tester testing process:
1.Determined according to the needs of the test limit and cable type: channel test or permanent link test? CAT5E or CAT6 or other?
2.After shutdown, install the corresponding adapter of different testing standard in the host and auxiliary, such as select TIA CAT5E CHANNEL testing standards, the host and auxiliary will be installed in DTX-CHA002 Channel adapters, if selecting the TIA CAT6A PERM.LINK, the permanent link test standard, the host and auxiliary should be respectively installed with a DTX-PLA002 permanent link adapters.
3.Parameters that may be often required to change
Dial to "SET UP" stalls, selecting the twisted pair, press ENTER to enter:
Type of cable: press ENTER and then press the ↑ ↓ select the type of cable you want to test, for example I want to test over Category 5 twisted-pair UTP Press ENTER ENTER ↑ ↓ Select Cat 5e UTP press ENTER to return.
Test limit: Press ENTER and then press ↑ ↓ to select the testing standard for the type of cable you want to test, press F1 to select more, generally option for the standard in TIA.
Socket configuration: Press ENTER to enter, general RJ45 crystal head socket using the 568B standard. Others are depending on the circumstances. Press ↑ ↓ to select the standard of the wire to be tested.
4.Connect all the equipments that need to be tested with the corresponding adapter. Press "TEST" to start testing, after a while, it will display FASS or FAIL.
View test results and check failure
After the testing, it will automatically show the result. Use the ENTER key to view the parameter details, F2 for previous page, F3 for the next page, press EXIT and press F3 to view the memory data storage. If the testing result is FAIL, you can check the failure details by selecting X.
Saving the Fluke test result
Select SAVE key to store the test result, use "← → ↑ ↓" key or ← → to move the cursor, F3 key to select the name you want to use, such as 01 and press SAVE to store.
That's all steps that you should follow when using a Fluke network tester, for more fiber optic test equipment such as network cable tester, cctv camera tester etc. Please visite FiberStore webstore. Follow the instrument document of each to do your testing job.
How to Clean Fiber Optic Connectors
Fiber optic cleaning is one of the most important procedures in the maintenance of fiber optic system, which need to keep the quality connections between all fiber optic equipment. As we know, the fiber optic connector consists of fiber optic plug and the adapter. The ends of the fiber optic cables are held in the core of ferrule in the plug. Keeping the fiber end face and ferrule absolutely clean is very essential, since any particles on the end face of the fibers will cause problems such as scratching the glass surface, instability in the laser system, and a misalignment between the fiber cores, which may as a result disrupt the light transmission between the fiber optical system.
For proper performance of the SC fiber optic cable, you must keep the SC connector clean and free of dust. Small micro-deposit of oil and dust in the canal of the connector could cause loss of light, reducing signal power and possible causing intermittent problems with the optical connections. Below picture show the part of the end face of an unclean and clean ferrule of SC connectors.
Steps to follow before the fiber optic cleaning
Before cleaning the fiber optic connectors, make sure to disconnect the fiber optic cables from both ends and then turn off any laser source.
Do not allow the end of the fiber optic cable to make contact with any surface including your fingers.
Never to bend the fiber cable, which will in turn cause internal breaks along the fiber and cause poor performance or instability.
Use the finger cots or powder free surgical gloves to handle the fiber optic cables. use fresh spectroscopic grade Methanol or Isopropyl Alcohol as the only cleaning solvent.
In the daily connection work, a connector housing should be used when plugging or unplugging a fiber. A protective cap should be used to cover the unplugged fiber connectors. In the process of the fiber optic cleaning, the end face of the connector should never be touched and also the clean area of a tissue of swab should not be touched or reused.
Cleaning fiber ends
At the beginning of cleaning job, a fiber microscope should be used to inspect the fiber end, if it is contaminated as either images shows below, it should be cleaned with the dry cleaning method.

1.Blow the fiber surface with a stream of Clean Dry Air (the so called CDA), which will dislodge larger, loose particles. Keep in mind, don’t tip the can of the CDA while blowing. Because the liquid may be released contaminant on the surface of the fiber.
2.Place 1-3 drops of spectroscopic grade methanol or isopropyl alcohol in the center of a lens tissue. Do not use Acetone as a cleaning solvent on the fiber optical surfaces. Besides, to ensure the purity of the methanol or alcohol, you should never insert the lens tissue or swabs into the liguid.
3.Hold the fiber by the connector. Place the wet portion of the lens tissue on the optical surface and slowly drag it across. At this step, don’t use lens paper to dry it because the dry lens paper is extremely abrasive.
4.Examine the surface of the fiber under high density light using a magnifier, an optical loop, or a video inspection tool. If streaks or contaminants still remain, repeat the process using a fresh lens tissue.
5.Immediately install a protective cover over the end of the cable to avoid re-contamination or insert the fiber for immediate use.
FiberStore provides all kinds of Fiber optic cleaner, such as the Cletop Reel Type cleaner, Neoclean-E-Pen Cleaner basic set, Cartridge-Type Cleaner, OAM connector cleaners are also good solutions, all of them are brand new and manufactured following strict industrial standards. You can follow the instruction documents to conduct your fiber optic connector cleaning job with cleaning kit you need.
How to Clean Fiber Optic Connectors
Fiber optic cleaning is one of the most important procedures in the maintenance of fiber optic system, which need to keep the quality connections between all fiber optic equipment. As we know, the fiber optic connector consists of fiber optic plug and the adapter. The ends of the fiber optic cables are held in the core of ferrule in the plug. Keeping the fiber end face and ferrule absolutely clean is very essential, since any particles on the end face of the fibers will cause problems such as scratching the glass surface, instability in the laser system, and a misalignment between the fiber cores, which may as a result disrupt the light transmission between the fiber optical system.
For proper performance of the SC fiber optic cable, you must keep the SC connector clean and free of dust. Small micro-deposit of oil and dust in the canal of the connector could cause loss of light, reducing signal power and possible causing intermittent problems with the optical connections. Below picture show the part of the end face of an unclean and clean ferrule of SC connectors.
Steps to follow before the fiber optic cleaning
Before cleaning the fiber optic connectors, make sure to disconnect the fiber optic cables from both ends and then turn off any laser source.
Do not allow the end of the fiber optic cable to make contact with any surface including your fingers.
Never to bend the fiber cable, which will in turn cause internal breaks along the fiber and cause poor performance or instability.
Use the finger cots or powder free surgical gloves to handle the fiber optic cables. use fresh spectroscopic grade Methanol or Isopropyl Alcohol as the only cleaning solvent.
In the daily connection work, a connector housing should be used when plugging or unplugging a fiber. A protective cap should be used to cover the unplugged fiber connectors. In the process of the fiber optic cleaning, the end face of the connector should never be touched and also the clean area of a tissue of swab should not be touched or reused.
Cleaning fiber ends
At the beginning of cleaning job, a fiber microscope should be used to inspect the fiber end, if it is contaminated as either images shows below, it should be cleaned with the dry cleaning method.

1.Blow the fiber surface with a stream of Clean Dry Air (the so called CDA), which will dislodge larger, loose particles. Keep in mind, don’t tip the can of the CDA while blowing. Because the liquid may be released contaminant on the surface of the fiber.
2.Place 1-3 drops of spectroscopic grade methanol or isopropyl alcohol in the center of a lens tissue. Do not use Acetone as a cleaning solvent on the fiber optical surfaces. Besides, to ensure the purity of the methanol or alcohol, you should never insert the lens tissue or swabs into the liguid.
3.Hold the fiber by the connector. Place the wet portion of the lens tissue on the optical surface and slowly drag it across. At this step, don’t use lens paper to dry it because the dry lens paper is extremely abrasive.
4.Examine the surface of the fiber under high density light using a magnifier, an optical loop, or a video inspection tool. If streaks or contaminants still remain, repeat the process using a fresh lens tissue.
5.Immediately install a protective cover over the end of the cable to avoid re-contamination or insert the fiber for immediate use.
FiberStore provides all kinds of Fiber optic cleaner, such as the Cletop Reel Type cleaner, Neoclean-E-Pen Cleaner basic set, Cartridge-Type Cleaner, OAM connector cleaners are also good solutions, all of them are brand new and manufactured following strict industrial standards. You can follow the instruction documents to conduct your fiber optic connector cleaning job with cleaning kit you need.
Terminating Fiber Optic Cables with Epoxy
When you have bulk fiber optic cables on hand and need to terminate it with the fiber optic connectors, there are several options for you to handle this job: Epoxy and polish, mechanical cleave and crimp, and the chemical permanent method, fusing splicing the pigtails. The aim of terminating the fiber optic cables is to provide protections for the stripped fiber end in the connector. Poor termination job will result in large optical loss, even cause damages to the connectors and adapters. Among all the method mentioned above, epoxy and polishing is the cheap, fast and easy and low optical loss, so it is welcomed by most cable installers. Follow the steps and see how to terminate your fiber optic cables with the Epoxy.
First, prepare you cable by stripping the cable down to the bare fibers with a fiber stripper which you can get from FiberStore. After that, mix the epoxy resin and hardener that you have prepared ahead, and load them into a syrine( Ignore this step,if you are using a pre-loaded epoxy syringes). Now, it’s time to injuct the expoxy directly from the syringe into the connector ferrule.
Once you have prepared your connector with the epox, you re read to insert the fiber cable so that the cable is seated inside of the connector wall and the bare fiber core sticks out about a half an inch from the front of the ferrule. If your cable is jacked, you will need to use the cable crimping tool to protect the connector to the jacket and strength members of the cables. Two crimps would be necessary to finish the job properly.
The next step is curing the epoxy in the connectors. You may need to place the connected end into a curing holder first to make sure that the end of fiber will not get damaged in the process of curing. Then place the cable and curing holder into a curing oven, situate the connector to make the end is facing down, by doing which, it will ensure the epoxy does not come out of the back side of the connector and compromise the strength member of the cable. As to the curing time and the temperature,follow the instruction book of your specific epoxy.
Once the epoxy are cured sufficiently, cleave the excess fiber core with a fiber cleaver tools as close to the ferrule tips as possible while avoiding any sort of twisting motion. After that, remember to dispose the fiber clipping, which could easily end up in your skin or even in you eye or respiratory system.
After the cleaving and disposing jobs done, you are ready to move on to the next step, polishing the fiber end to a smooth finish. Get a fiber polishing machine to effectively remove any excess epoxy from the ferrule tip and buff out the imperfections on the face of the fiber. A coarse surface would cause the optical loss when the light is passing through it.
When you are satisfied with your polishing job, you are now prepared to clean the ferrule and fiber tip. With a wiper dipped in 99% reagent-grade alcohol, gently wipe the surface area of the ferrule and fiber tips, then, use another wiper to dry them. Remember, the two wiper should all be lint-free.
Now, your fiber optic cable is terminated. To measure if your job is done well or not, you can use a proper fiber inspection microscope to inspect the tip and then use an optical fiber cables tester for the loss measurement
Fiber Optic Power Measurement Introduction
For almost every fiber optic cable plant, you need to test the continuity, fiber loss and troubleshooting other problems once the cables are installed and terminate. Fiber optic testing includes fiber optic cleaning, inspection, troubleshooting and fiber optic power measurement for the existing fiber cabling plants.
Fiber optic inspection: With the increasingly higher data rates are driving decreasingly small loss budgets, fiber optic inspection and cleaning are growing more and more important. If we want to decrease the overall light loss, the only way is to hence our job of properly inspection and cleaning. There are two types of problems that will cause loss when doing the fiber optic connection with the adapters, one is contamination, the other is damage.
Contamination comes in many forms which can be dust, oils, or even the buffer gel. Oil can come from bodies when making a touching with the fibers’ end face. Dust and he small static-charged particles flying in the air can land on the fibers’ exposed termination. In the new installations, buffer gel and pulling lube can easily find its way onto an end-face. Scratching, chipping, pitting or cracking of the fiber optic cable will cause the end-face surface defects which as a result of poor termination or mated contamination.

We used to use the stereo bench top microscopes to inspect fiber optic end-faces at the beginning of fiber optic cabling. Over time, smaller, portable microscopes were produced to easily handle the job. There are optical and video microscopes in the market today. Optical microscopes incorporate and objective lens and an eyepiece lens which allow you to view the end face directly. Video microscopes, however, have both an optical probe and a display for viewing. Probes is very small and can reach the ports with is hard to access. The display screens will show the expanded images of the contaminants and damages. By using the probes and screen, it will avoid the interface of the laser light which may affect a person’s eye. By the way, FiberStore offers a full range of fiber optic microscope which will fit for all kinds of your fiber inspection requirements.
Fiber optic cleaning: Most people may have their own approaches for cleaning end-face, such as blasting the fiber cables with canned air, or using IPA. But these way is the most traditional and suboptimal. Fiber optic specialist today, have developed series special solvent and cleaning tools which can all be found in the fiber optic leaning kits. The special fiber solvent are perfect for dissolving virtually any contaminant on the fiber end-face and have tailored evaporation rates that give them time to work yet disappear before mating.
Optical power measurement:
Fiber optic testing is in fact the measurement for the optical power. It is absolutely the measurement of the output power from a transmitter and the input power to the receiver. Power measurement is the actual value of the power loss. Power loss refers the difference between the power coupled into a component such as a cable or connector and the power that is transmitted trough it. The optical loss are used to define the performance of a cable, connector, splice, etc.
Fiber optic certification has experienced a development from Tier 1 to Tier 2, which are base on the certification of new cabling per IEEE, TIA, or ISO/IEC standards. Tier 1 is the basic test regiment which is performed with a power meter and light source or optical loss test set to measure the absolute loss of the link and compare it to the limits of the standards. Tier2 is the extended Tier 1 testing which bring the application of OTDR testing. By the use of OTDR, it will ensure the quality of individual components of the installed link.
Testing Telephone Line by Yourself
You may for one or more time get frustrated about the bad job of your telephone in your home. When you find your telephone at home is not working properly, the first thing you should do is finding the source of the problem to get repaired. This article is right about how to testing and troubleshotting your telephone line in your house.
First, you should check if it is the problems of the telephone itself, Unplugging all the phone devices such as the computer, answering machines, etc. throughout your house. Take your phone line tester (or a phone that you are sure workable), go around and plug it into every outlet, checking for the proper lighting sequence (if it is a telephone, you may here dial tone). If all jacks appear to be dead or you don’t get dial tone, the problem is not with your telephones or telephone equipment.
Once you have make sure it is the phone line system other than the telephone itself’ problem, the next step is to test you’re the wiring. A variety of things can cause the telephone wiring to crash such as improperly touching wires, mice eating cable or an electrical surge frying a telephone jack. The text blow will try to give as much information for all the possible problems.
First, disconnect your inside wiring from the telephone company, who provided you with service through four or more wires leading to the outside of your house. All these wires are connected into a box called a NID, network interface, locating outside your home for ease access by the telephone company. You should disconnect the plug serving the bad line. If you have a junction block or an entrance bridge, separate the telephone company’s wiring from the block or bridge. Use the best multimeter to test the continuity of your wiring. It the continuity that allows the electricity to freely flow through it, when two bare wires are touching, it will make continuity. Since in the wiring system, each color of wires is working independently, any continuity between any wires of different colors will cause the defective condition. We should find the defect and correct it. Do this by touching your probes across any two wires of different colors and get no continuity. You
can do this at a terminal block or entrance bridge without disconnecting any of your inside wires. Key point of this test is to make sure all phones and devices unplugged.
Once a continuity is found, there may be either a touching existing somewhere in the wiring, or a touching behind a telephone jack or at a junction block or entrance bridge. Defective phone jack may be caused by an electrical surge. If either of them happened, just separate the touching wires or tighten the conditions. After that, use the phone that you have make use is problem free in previous step to test the line. If it is still not working, continue to other blocks and telephone jacks.
Keep in mind, there may be secondary junction blocks or parallel connections in your home, which are used to run phone cable to remote location by splicing into another phone’s cable, rather than running a new cable from the main junction block or protector. If you see two cable from the junction block leading into the house, but you know you have six telephone outlet, it indicate that there are secondary junction blocks in your wiring system. Try to examine for touching bare wire or loose wires by opening up the outlets throughout the next phase of your troubleshooting.
After all the above step done, the next step is to find out whether it’s the cable itself or the phone outlets, or jacks. Disconnect one wire of a pair (red or green, black or yellow) from each jack, this will disable all the jacks without having to totally disconnect all the wires. Reconnect the circuit to the telephone company’s wires. Then one by one, test the phone jack in the NID box outside your house with a telephone line tester, which is used for detecting either digital or analog phone systems as well as the line polarity. If none of the jacks
How to Test Fiber Optic Cables by OTDR
OTDR, full name of which is optical time-domain reflectometer is one of the most popular method of testing the light loss in the cable plant. In most circumstance, it also indicate an fiber optic testing instrument to characterized the optical fibers. OTDRs are always used on OSP cables to verify splicing loss or locating damages to the fiber optic cables. Due to the decline in the OTDR price over recent years, it is more and more applied by technicians for the system installation process.

OTDR uses backscattered light of the fiber to imply loss, which is an indirect measurement of the fiber. OTDR works by sending a high power laser light source pulse down the fiber and looking for return signals from backscattered light in the fiber itself or reflected light from connectors or splice interface. OTDR testing requires a launch cable for the instrument to settle down after reflections from the high powered test pulse overloads the instrument. OTDRs can either use one launch cable or a launch cable with a receive cable, the tester result of each is also different.
Test With Launch Cable Only
A long lauch cable allows the OTDR to settle down after the initial pulse and provides a reference cable for testing the first connector on the cable. When testing with an OTDR using only the launch cable, the trace will show the launch cable, the connection to the cable under test with a peak from the reflectance from the connection, the under testing cable and likely a reflection from the far end if it is terminated or cleaved. Most terminations will show reflectance that helps identify the ends of the cable.
By this method, it can not test the connector on the far end of the under testing cable since it is not connected to another connector, and connection to a reference connector is necessary to make a connection loss measurement.
Test With Launch And Receive Cable
By placing a receive cable at the far end of the under testing cable, the OTDR can measure the loss of all factors along the cable plant no matter the connector, the fiber of cables, and other connections or splices in the cable under test. Most OTDRs have a least squares test method that can substract out the cable included in the measurement of every single connector, but keep in mind, this may not workable when the tested cable is with two end.
During the process you should always keep in mind to start with the OTDR set for the shortest pulse width for best resolution and a range at least twice the length of the cable you are testing. Make an initial trace and see how you need to change the parameters to get better results.
OTDRs can used to detect almost any problems in the cable plant caused during the installation. If the fiber of the cable is broken, or if any excessive stress is placed on the cable, it will show up the end of the fire much shorter than the cable or a high loss splice at the problem locations.
Except OTDR testing, the source and optical power meter method is another measurement which will test the loss of the fiber optic cable plant directly, The source and meter duplicate the transmitter and receiver of the fiber optic transmission link, so the measurement correlates well with actual system loss.
Further Understanding Cable Fault Location
Our human are living in the environment that always be surrounded by light and electicity. Imagine a day when there is no electricity at home, the first idea come to us is there must be a fault need to be fixed. You should not only need to known what a cable fault is but also what kind of instruments needed to get you out of the bad situation. This article will give a brief introduction about cable fault location as well as the working process of a typical cable fault locator.
A cable consists of multiple wires or electric conductors that are held together with a covering. The cables are frequently used for the distribution of the electrical energy. Although they are most highly developed, there are still malfunction in the cable system. Cable fault location is such process of locating periodic faults, such as insulation faults in underground cables, and is an application of electrical measurement systems.

Cable Fault Location is the process of locating the short circuit faults, cable cuts, resistive faults, intermittent faults, and sheath faults. Power cable fault locator is designed to locate cable faults, pinpointing the fault location, route tracing, cable identification, voltage withstand test and cable information managementCable faults are damage to cables which effect a resistance in the cable. If allowed to persist, this can lead to a voltage breakdown. There are different types of cable faults, which must first be classified before they can be located.
Contact fault: There are two kinds of contact fault, one is the contact between conductor and screen will generating a varying resistance, the other is the contact between multiple conductors will also generate a varying resistance.
Sheath faults: Sheath faults refers to the damage of the cable sheath which allows the surroundings contact with the cable screen.
Moisture caused faults: Water penetrates into the cable sheath and contacts the conductors. Impedance changes at the fault location make measuring more difficult. The resistance usually lies in the low-ohmic range.
Voltage Disruptions: Voltage disruption is caused by the combination of series and parallel resistances, usually in the form of a wire break.
All of the fault listed above will either cause the breakout of the electric or a electric exceed. As we known each cable has a limit of power supply. When this limited exceeds, or the wires becomes weak, there will be a short circuit causing a spark and then a minor or major explosion. To fix this issue, a cable fault locator is needed. To locate a fault in the cable, the cable must first be tested for faults. During the cable testing, flash-overs are generated at the weak points in the cable, the cable will be fixed either by providing new wiring, or increasing the wire strength. During the working process of the cable fault locator, the cable fault finder receives signals from the locator and the arrow on the instruments points to the position where the digging and maintenance required to be done.
FiberStore now offers a full series of power cable fault locators that will automatically detect the cable fault, which will greatly reduce the time and training required to find these problems. Our cable fault location instruments systems are applicable to all types of cable ranging from 1 kV to 500 kV and all types of cable faults such as short circuit faults, cable cuts, resistive faults, intermittent faults, sheath breaking, water trees, partial discharges. Know more informations of exporters and suppliers of electric or fiber optic tester.
Significant Guidance on the Cisco SFP Transceiver
Cisco System, Inc. established in 1984, is an international reputable company providing internet solutions, equipment and software products, whose products are mainly used to connect a computer network system, Cisco routers, switches and other equipment carries 80% of global Internet communications, of the new economy in the Silicon Valley legend. Over the past 20 years, Cisco has almost become synonymous with the Internet, network applications, productivity, Cisco have become the market leader in every area of its entry. The company is also specialized in producing transceiver modules include a well advanced and useful type of transceiver namely mini GBIC or SFP module.
SFP is the abbreviation of Small Form Factor Pluggable referring to a compact small and hot-pluggable transceiver. Cisco SFP transceivers are designed to change the series electric signals to the serial optical signals for either telecommunication or data communication fields. The transceiver is usually working with a network device a switch or a router to connect to a copper networking cable or fiber optic. SFP is a recognized industry standard thus is supported by almost every leading vendors such as H3C, HP, Huawei. It is designed to support communication in standards such as Gigabit Ethernet, SONET, Fibre Channel and many others.
The main parameters of the SFP module
Average transmit optical power (TxLOP: Optical Average Power) average transmit optical power refers to the signal logic 1 when the optical power and for 0:00 the arithmetic mean of the optical power. P0 + the P1 PAVG = 2 (dBm)
Consumers light ratio (ER: ExtinctiRatio) signal logic to 1, the optical power and is 0 when the light power size ratio. The calculation formula for: P1ER = 10log P0 (dB) ER extinction ratio, the unit is dB, P1 and P0 represents the logic 1 and 0 when the optical power.
The minimum average light reception sensitivity (Receiver Sensitivity) measure the receiving end of a certain bit error rate (1 × 10exp (-12)) To ensure the desired reception power, in units of dBm. BER is within a longer period of time, after received after the receiving side of the photoelectric conversion error output terminal of the number of symbols with the BER tester gives the ratio of the number of symbols.
Loss indicative signal (LOS Assert) restore instruction (LOS Dessert) receiver output an electric signal, and the signal is lost and the potential level of the adequacy reflects the intensity of the optical signal received by the receiver, to determine by comparing the potential of the preset potentiometer light whether the signal is lost. Potential has a certain effect hysteresis comparator to achieve, usually default electrical signal corresponding to the optical power as an indication, in dBm
Eye mask margin (EMM: Eye Mask Margin) eye opening, refers to the degree of "open" in the best sampling point eye amplitude distortion-free opening of the eye diagram should be 100 [%]. Eye diagram template tolerance eye mask expansion, until the eye diagram of the sampling points into the template of the biggest expansion of the expansion area percentage.
Cisco SFP is flexible in its extensive set of items including Cisco GLC-T, Cisco GLC-SX-MM, Cisco GLC-LH-SM, Cisco CWDM SFP, which can be used with the union of 1000BASE-T, 1000BASE-SX, 1000BASE- LX/LH, 1000BASE-EX, 1000BASE-ZX, or 1000BASE-BX10-D/U in a port-by-port basis.
Cable Ties and Many More Cable Management Tools from FiberStore
Are you still handing wandering on the Internet and search for a best online provider of superior quality cable ties, heat shrink tubes, wiring products, and related accessories? If so, FiberStore.com is a good place you should not miss out. At FiberStore.com, you almost can find everything you need to efficiently and effectively meet the needs of bundling electric cables or wires project no matter for your home, the office, the job site or someplace beyond.
The inventory distributor FiberStore provides cables ties come in a variety of types and sizes, which can fit for your different project. Cable ties is know as wire ties or zip ties, which is mainly used for fastening, binding or organizing fiber optic or electronic cable wire. Our cable ties are usually made of very strong and durable materials, which can be used for many purposes such as identifying and bundling computer cables under the desk to keep them neat, indentifying and bundling home sound or stereo systems, hanging bicycles in garage, organizing tools in the workshops, of course, if you like, you also use the cable wire ties to binding fences or plants for your gardening or decoration purpose.
Regular material that the cable ties use is Velcro or Nylon, through the flowing text, you will know deeper for Velcro cable ties and Nylon cable teis.
A Velcro cable tie is some kind of hook-and-loop fastener, which consists of two lineal fabric ships attaching to the opposing surfaces, one of them is a tiny hooks and the other is a small loops. When the two components are pressed together, the hooks catch in the loops and the two pieces fasten temporarily and hard to be separated. The Velcro cable ties are self-gripping design and if quick tools for fastening and secure wire bundles and harness components. Velcro cable ties are available in different colors including blue, black, gray, red and green. FiberStore Magic Velcro cable ties are in 20 x180, 20 x160mm hook and loop.
FiberStore Nylon cable ties is ideal for outdoor use because of its high strength and a wide temperature range. Nylon is one of the most commonly used synthetic polymers that primary invited for industrial applications. The Nylon cable ties made of Polyamide 6.6, and must meet the UL 94 V-2 flammability classification and military specification MS 336. FiberStore offers standard, 4x150MM, 4x200MM, 5x200MM Nylon cable ties series with 100 or 500pcs/pack, all of which are useable up to 250° F.
Besides, we also offers Nelco Products also carries military spec cable ties. Nelco Products carries cable tie installation products and printers that fit our label ready cable ties. In a short, FiberStore is one of the best selections of versatile, durable, high reliable cable ties and accessories. Our inventory includes releasable cable ties, metal cable ties, reusable cable ties, heavy duty cable ties, and nylon cable ties. Whether you are independent contractor, a company employee, or a do-it-yourself type of person, you will benefit from our inventory of cable ties and accessaries. FiberStore also offers a variety of cable installation tools, fiber splice sleeve, and wire tie tools in our convenient online store. We can also customize your cable ties with you company name, logo or barcode. For more information, you can visit FiberStore official website online.
What is Network Cable Tester
Network Tester is often also called professional network analyzer or network detector can detect the OSI model defined physical layer, data link layer, network layer’s operating conditions of portable, intelligent visual inspection equipment. It is primarily for LAN fault detection, maintenance, and integrated wiring construction, network testers features include the physical layer, data link layer and network layer.
Network testers can greatly reduce the time the network administrators troubleshooting network problems. With the popularity of the network and more complex, a reasonable set up and normal operation of the network becomes extremely important. To keep the normal operation of the network, two jobs should be done: First, network construction quality directly affect the subsequent use of the network, and the quality of construction can not be ignored and must be strict requirements, certified check, take preventive measures. Second, it is critical that to investigating and eliminating a network failure, which directly impact the efficiency of the operation, we must pursuit a high efficiency. The network detection aids in network construction and network maintenance work becomes increasingly important.

According to the transmission medium, the network tester can be divided into two types which is wireless network tester and cable network tester.
According to the transmission medium, the network tester can be divided into two types which is wireless network tester and cable network tester.
Wireless network tester: wireless network tester is mainly for router and AP detection, which can invest the terminal and the signal strength that connected to the wireless network, thus to effectively manage the notes in the network, and enhance network security. Kind of product technology is not very mature, with the promotion of wireless network, wireless network testers will become an important detection tool.
Network cable tester: Common transmission medium of cable network testers including twisted pair cable, optical fiber and coaxial cable. Coaxial cable has rarely used, what is commonly used are twisted pair cable, the fiber optic network is the feature trend. In the currently market, there are two kinds of cable network testers to fit for different transmission medium, fiber optic network cable tester and twisted-pair network tester. Since fiber optic network tester is not commonly used, so the most network tester refers to twisted pair network tester.
According the functions, network testers can be divided into cable tester, multifunction network tester and network performance tester.
Cable tester: Cable tester is for the detection of network media, including cable lengths, crosstalk attenuation, signal-to-noise ratio, circuit diagram and cable specifications parameters commonly used in integrated wiring construction.
Cable tester: Cable tester is for the detection of network media, including cable lengths, crosstalk attenuation, signal-to-noise ratio, circuit diagram and cable specifications parameters commonly used in integrated wiring construction.
Multifunction Network Tester: Multifunction Network Tester usually refers to a variety of tests to integrate the functions of network testing equipment, such as integrated link identification, cable diagnostic scan line order, topology monitoring, Ping function to find port, POE detection. Because of the full function of such equipments, they are also capable of network maintenance, network construction and cable diagnostics.
Network performance tester: Network performance testing equipment is a high-end device, the main features include network traffic testing, data interception, IP query, traffic analysis, commonly used in the field of large-scale network security industry.
Network performance tester: Network performance testing equipment is a high-end device, the main features include network traffic testing, data interception, IP query, traffic analysis, commonly used in the field of large-scale network security industry.
In a word, the cable tester or LAN cable tester is widely used in the construction of communication cable, power cable construction, the construction pipeline construction, communication cable to the power supply circuit, and Maintenance of electric lines, an indispensable tool for first-line construction and maintenance personnel.
How to Choose A Network Interface Card
Network interface card the full name of NIC, which can be also called network card, network adapter, the basic component of the LAN networks to connect the computer and the network hardware equipments. Whether it is twisted pair connection, coaxial cable, or fiber connections, it must be with the help of the network card to implement the data communication. The connection type of the network interface card can be either optical or electrical. Optical interface are generally via the fiber optic cable for data transmission, transceiver module for which is usually GBIC or SFP module, with LC, MTRJ, or SC connector.
Fiber Ethernet card is mainly used in fiber optic Ethernet communications technology. The fiber optic Ethernet network card can provide fast and reliable Ethernet connection for users computer, especially suitable for the transmission distance exceed the Cat5 cable access distance (100m). It can completely replace the current commonly used network construction that using RJ45 connector Ethernet card external connect the photoelectric converter. The network interface card provides a reliable fiber-to-the-home and fiber to the desktop solution. Users can choose the its parameters according to the application occasion including its connector types, single or multi-mode fibers, working distance, etc.

Correct choosing, connecting, and set up the network interface card is essential for a good network connection. Then let’s discuss what should be taken into considerations when choosing the right fiber optic network card.
First, you should know what type of network you are using. What are popular now are Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI network and more. Select the corresponding card for your network type.
Second, take the transmission rate into consideration. Based on bandwidth requirements of server or workstation combined with the physical transmission medium that provided maximum transfer rate to select the transmission rate of the network card. Take Ethernet for example, the speed option are variety including 10Mbps, 10/100Mbps, 1000Mbps, even 10Gbps. It is not true that the higher the more appropriate. For example, it is a waste to configure a computer that linked with the 100M twisted pair with a 1000M card, which can be at most achieve a transmission rate of only 100M.
Third, pay attention to the bus type. Servers and workstations typically use the PCI, PCI-X or PCI-E bus intelligent card, the PC is basically no longer supported by the ISA connector, so when you purchase network card for you PC, do not buy the outdated ISA network card, what you should choose is the PCI-X and PCI-E or PCI card
Fourth, you should also consider the connector type that the NIC supports. The network card finally needs to be connected with the network, so it must be with a fiber optic connector to link with other computer network equipment. Different network interface is suitable for different network types. Common used connector types are Ethernet RJ45 connector, LC, FC, SC connector.
Finally, you should take the cost and brand into consideration, because different rates, different brands of the NIC card, the prices of them are surely greatly differ from each other. If you want to know the detail information of the PCI Card, you can go to visit FiberStore official website.
Fiber Optic Splicing Application and Process
When we want two fibers or fiber optic cables joint together, there are two method come to our head, installing a fiber optic connectors at the end of the optical fibers, or splicing the two optical fibers. Fiber optic cable splicing is a method that creates a permanent joint for two fibers, while fiber connector installation is used for temporary connections. There are two options for fiber optic splicing: Fiber optic cable fusion splicing and mechanical splicing. Both methods provide much lower insert loss than fiber optic connectors.
Common application for splicing is jointing cables in long outside plant cable runs where the length of the run requires more than one cable. Splicing is generally used to terminate singlemode fibers by splicing preterminated pigtails onto each fiber. It can be also used to mix numbers of different types of fiber cables like connecting a 48 fiber cables to six 8 fiber cables going to different places.
Fusion splicing provides a maximum insertion loss of 0.1 which is less than 0.5dB of mechanical splicing. Fusion splicer are available in two types that splice a single fiber or a ribbon of 12 fibers at one time. Almost all singlemode splices are fusion spliced. Mechanical splicing is most used for temporary restoration and for multimode splicing. Fusion splices are so good today that splice points may not be detectable in OTDR traces.
Fusion Splicing Process
Fusion splices are made by welding two fibers together by an electric arc of the fusion splicing machine. It can be not done in the enclosed space for safety reasons. It is suggested to done the job above the ground in a truck or trailer for a clean environment for splicing.
Fusion splices are made by welding two fibers together by an electric arc of the fusion splicing machine. It can be not done in the enclosed space for safety reasons. It is suggested to done the job above the ground in a truck or trailer for a clean environment for splicing.
Fusion splicing needs the help of a special equipments which is fusion splicer to perform the splicing process. Main steps are aligning the two fibers precisely and generate a small electric arc to melt the fibers and weld them together.Splicing machine can do one fiber at a time while mass fusion splicer can do all 12 fibers in a ribbon at once.
Preparing fibers: The first step for fusion splicing is to strip, clean & cleave the fibers to be spliced. Stripping the primary buffer coating to expose the proper length of bare fiber with the fiber stripper. Clean the fiber with appropriate wipes, what you need is the fiber optic cleaning kit, Cleave the fiber using the directions appropriate to the fiber cleaver being used. Place each fiber into the guides in the fusion splicing machine and clamp it in place.
Running the splicer program: Choose the proper program according to the fiber type being spliced. The splicer would show the fibers being spliced on a video screen. The fiber ends will be inspected for proper cleavers and bad ones will be rejected for a second time cleaving. The fibers will be moved into position, prefused to remove any dirt on the fiber ends and preheat the fibers for splicing. The fibers will be aligned using the core alignment method used on that splicer. Then the fibers will be fused by an automatic arc cycle that heats them in an electric arc and feeds the
fibers together at a controlled rate.
fibers together at a controlled rate.
Ribbon fusion splicing: Each ribbon is stripped, cleaved and spliced as a unit. Special tools are needed to strip the fiber ribbon, usually heating it first, then cleave all fibers at once. Many tools place the ribbon in a carrier that supports and aligns it through stripping, cleaving and splicing. Consult both cable and splicer manufacturers to ensure you have the proper directions.
Fusion splicing pigtail is another typical application for fiber optic splicing. By this method, a fiber optic patch cord is cut into two pigtails with connectors attached. The fibers are cleaved and welded together with a fusion splicer, which is considered to be the fastest and highest-quality method of fiber connector installation.
What is a Punch Down Tool
A punch down tool is commonly used for the termination works in the copper network. Copper networks are most built by the twisted-pair cables like the Cat5, Cat5e, Cat6 and some newer standard Ethernet cables. These Ethernet cables usually need to be terminated with the keystone jacks, cross-connect blocks or patch panels. The punch down tools can be also called a punchdown tool or a Krone punch down tool, which is a small hand tool used by the telecommunication and network technicians. It is used to terminate the Ethernet cables by inserting the cables wires into the insulation-displacement connectors (IDC) on the punch down blocks, patch panels, keystone modules, and surface mount of boxes.
IDC is a little knife blade with a V-shaped gap or slit between them. In the working process, the punch down tool punches down and force the Ethernet twisted-pair cable conductor into the V-shaped gap. Then the IDC connector makes contact by cutting through, or displacing, the insulations around a single conductor inside a twisted-pair cable.
Most punch down tools are of the impact type, consisting of a handle, an internal spring mechanism, and a removable slotted blade. A punch-down tool is really just a handle with a special blade that fits a particular IDC.

To accommodate different connector types, there are punch down tools with 66, 110, BIX and krone blades. Different blades are used depending on whether you are terminating 110 blocks or 66-blocks. The 66-block is mostly used in cross-connect blocks for voice cross-connects. The 110-block is now generic in usage and is a newer design by AT&T. 110 Block is most used for data network, although it is not absolutely so. Though the blades for each type are pretty different, most punch down tools on the market today can accept both types.
Substitute for a Punch Down Tool
The process of punching down a wire properly takes a considerable amount of force. You could just use a small flat-blade screwdriver as a substitute for a punch down tool. It is vital that you should take care no to break the thin wire before it makes contact with the desired slot.
The process of punching down a wire properly takes a considerable amount of force. You could just use a small flat-blade screwdriver as a substitute for a punch down tool. It is vital that you should take care no to break the thin wire before it makes contact with the desired slot.
Needle-nose pliers
Needle-nose pliers are also a viable option to replace a punch-down tool for occasional use. If you can find a small electronics set of pliers, it would often include a thin, bent-nose tool that aids in reaching behind challenging angles to push the wire between its slots.
Needle-nose pliers are also a viable option to replace a punch-down tool for occasional use. If you can find a small electronics set of pliers, it would often include a thin, bent-nose tool that aids in reaching behind challenging angles to push the wire between its slots.
Spring-loaded Nail Sets
A spring-loaded nail set is a standard nail set that incorporates a spring much like a small door spring to allow it to be snapped to generate force in a tight spot. In a time of need, you can grind it down to a flat blade than you can apply a similar force to a jack.
A spring-loaded nail set is a standard nail set that incorporates a spring much like a small door spring to allow it to be snapped to generate force in a tight spot. In a time of need, you can grind it down to a flat blade than you can apply a similar force to a jack.
Tool-less Jacks
You can purchase slightly more expensive Ethernet jacks at any home store which utilize a tool-less design. In this design, the eight wires of an Ethernet cable are "grabbed" by a jaw-like interface and snapped and locked shut.
You can purchase slightly more expensive Ethernet jacks at any home store which utilize a tool-less design. In this design, the eight wires of an Ethernet cable are "grabbed" by a jaw-like interface and snapped and locked shut.
To do to the punching down the with the substitute above can be a good choice when you don't have a punchdown tool on you hand. Buy it may be hard for an unpracticed man to control the force to the wires with the substitutes. By using the punch down tool helps you in applying the right amount of force in the right direction and assures a firm connection. FiberStore supply 110 punch down tool, Krone punch down tool and many other fiber optic tester and tools with competitive price.
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