Our human are living in the environment that always be surrounded by light and electicity. Imagine a day when there is no electricity at home, the first idea come to us is there must be a fault need to be fixed. You should not only need to known what a cable fault is but also what kind of instruments needed to get you out of the bad situation. This article will give a brief introduction about cable fault location as well as the working process of a typical cable fault locator.
A cable consists of multiple wires or electric conductors that are held together with a covering. The cables are frequently used for the distribution of the electrical energy. Although they are most highly developed, there are still malfunction in the cable system. Cable fault location is such process of locating periodic faults, such as insulation faults in underground cables, and is an application of electrical measurement systems.

Cable Fault Location is the process of locating the short circuit faults, cable cuts, resistive faults, intermittent faults, and sheath faults. Power cable fault locator is designed to locate cable faults, pinpointing the fault location, route tracing, cable identification, voltage withstand test and cable information managementCable faults are damage to cables which effect a resistance in the cable. If allowed to persist, this can lead to a voltage breakdown. There are different types of cable faults, which must first be classified before they can be located.
Contact fault: There are two kinds of contact fault, one is the contact between conductor and screen will generating a varying resistance, the other is the contact between multiple conductors will also generate a varying resistance.
Sheath faults: Sheath faults refers to the damage of the cable sheath which allows the surroundings contact with the cable screen.
Moisture caused faults: Water penetrates into the cable sheath and contacts the conductors. Impedance changes at the fault location make measuring more difficult. The resistance usually lies in the low-ohmic range.
Voltage Disruptions: Voltage disruption is caused by the combination of series and parallel resistances, usually in the form of a wire break.
All of the fault listed above will either cause the breakout of the electric or a electric exceed. As we known each cable has a limit of power supply. When this limited exceeds, or the wires becomes weak, there will be a short circuit causing a spark and then a minor or major explosion. To fix this issue, a cable fault locator is needed. To locate a fault in the cable, the cable must first be tested for faults. During the cable testing, flash-overs are generated at the weak points in the cable, the cable will be fixed either by providing new wiring, or increasing the wire strength. During the working process of the cable fault locator, the cable fault finder receives signals from the locator and the arrow on the instruments points to the position where the digging and maintenance required to be done.
FiberStore now offers a full series of power cable fault locators that will automatically detect the cable fault, which will greatly reduce the time and training required to find these problems. Our cable fault location instruments systems are applicable to all types of cable ranging from 1 kV to 500 kV and all types of cable faults such as short circuit faults, cable cuts, resistive faults, intermittent faults, sheath breaking, water trees, partial discharges. Know more informations of exporters and suppliers of electric or fiber optic tester.