
FiberStore LSZH Cable Solutions

The increasing demand of LSZH cables has been driven by published concerns for safety of humans and electronic circuits during fire, the protection of the ozone layer, non-toxic elements to water table and landfills when discarded, and an increase in requirements/specifications by the European and the International communities.
LSZH cables mean the insulation and jacket compound are free of halogenated materials like Fluorine(F), Chlorine (Cl), Bromine (Br), Iodine (I) and Astatine (At), which are reported to be capable of being transformed into toxic and corrosive matter during combustion or decompositions in landfills.
During combustion, Low Smoke Halogen Free Cable produce low levels of halogen gases, which have a minimal effect on the human respiratory system when inhaled, as well as a low level of Hydrogen Chloride (HCl), which is non-damaging to electronic circuits or machinery. Also, a low level of white smoke is generated, improving visibility by increasing the chances of people to visually find their way out to safety during fire.
LSZH cables emit no more than 0.5% of Hydrogen Chloride (HCl)
10-25% considers irritant(HCl) >25% considers corrosive
Low Smoke Fume, or LSF, is another term used by certain manufacturers for LSZH cables, but there are no standards for LSF. This means manufacturers can label their products LSF as long as they give off reduced (HCl) emissions. LSF cable is, in fact, just reduced HCl emissions, giving off <15% (HCl).
FiberStore product line has been developed to address the industry's need for LSZH cable products that are UL listed, flexible, flame retardant and resistant to oil and sunlight. Our LSZH cables may be used and installed in places where safety, performance and concern for the environment are important.
LSZH Flame and Smoke Compliances
Vertical Tray Cable Flame Test, IEEE-383 (70,000 BTU) and CSA FT- 4 / IEEE 1202 flame test
Per UL-1685
IEC 60332-1 & -3 Cat. A: Flammability
IEC 61034-1 & 2 and MIL-DTL-24643B and NES 711 Smoke Index Emission
IEC 60754-1 & 2; MIL-DTL-24643B: Halogen Content and Acid Gas Generation
PVC and LSZJ are very different. PVC patchcords are very soft. LSZH patchcords are more rigid because they contain the flame retardant compound, and they are aesthetically more pleasing.
A PVC (polyviny chloride) cable has a jacket that gives off heavy black smoke, hydrochloric acid, and other toxic gases when it burns.
Cost: LSZH components are slightly higher in cost than some PVC compounds, but it is the safety factors as they related to humans and electronic equipment as well as friendliness to the environment that should be considered when it comes to cost.
Flexibility: There is a limited range of compound flexibility available for LSZH compounds versus PVC so it not recommended for robotic or continuous flex applications.
Flame Retardant: There is a higher grade of flame-retardant PVC compounds available on the market like Plenum PVC because of the halogen additive in PVC like Chlorine and Bromine that are not allowed in LSZH compounds.
When selecting or designing a cable for any application, the operating environments where the cable will be used, whether extreme or not, must be considered along with availability, performance, and price, among other things. When the safety of humans and the environment is a consideration, along with high-performance and capability, then FiberStore LSZH cables are what you must specify!

